1899 - 1967 "A Castle in Decline"
Larnach Castle has had many owners between the Larnach Family and the current Barker Family. The Castle has had many uses, as a lunatic asylum, a hospital for shell-shocked soldiers and a nuns' retreat. The Ballroom was once even used as a sheep holding pen!
Auction of furniture and chattels. Used as a holiday retreat for nuns.
Government buys Castle for 3,000 pounds. Castle then used as a hospital for mental patients and for shell-shocked soldiers.
Castle vacant - suffered much theft and vandalism.
Mr Jackson Purdie purchased the Castle and spent a large sum of money restoring buildings and grounds. The Castle became a showplace filled with antiques. Electricity connected.
Mr Purdie, with failing health, decides to sell - no interest - so contemplates demolishing the building and selling the materials.
Castle goes to auction; bought by Mr Armstrong for 1,250 pounds.
Sold to Mr Stedman. During WW2 over 80 US soldiers billeted here.
Mrs Empson purchased the Castle.