The Barker Family's lifelong passion project of restoring the Castle continues today. Please be aware that we are completing some restoration work in some rooms. More information on restoration work here.
Things that go bump in the night

Things that go bump in the night


Things that go bump in the night and shine in the light

The bump

There are some despicable individuals out there and unfortunately they are Homo sapiens just like us, which means, again unfortunately, that we are all related to them; a ways way back into the dim dark past mind you. Hopefully this particular gene is not active in those of you that are reading this.

Why are they obnoxious, thoughtless, inconsiderate human beings, you may well ask. Well, on watering and generally tending the plants residing within the realms of the Castle walls I happened to notice that one of my prized bromeliads had vanished; yes, Fiona’s do quite like some plants that are not native, especially when they remind her of the warm climes of the Auckland/Northland region.

The one remaining now has ‘no kin’ so has been forced to associate with some succulents; Aeonium arboreum ‘Scharzkopf’. To date there has been no apparent squabbling and they look quite content.

Hamish ‘Holmes’ first noted the plants absence on Sunday 27th November (a missed vocation there) and for myself it was a couple of days later. On mentioning our loss to Margaret she informed me that there was a culprit roaming the grounds as well.

It seems like years since this was an issue but the next generation seems to be testing the ‘soils’. The two holes (yes they did not even try to cover their tracks) once held winter aconites and used to reside under the magnolia across from the methane plant. It is a very early heralder (new word) of the coming of spring so a delight to have, although people do not seem interested in it at the plant fair – you’ll all want one next year eh!

The shine

The laburnum has burst forth and at the moment, for me, justifies the days/weeks of pruning it requires every year. The tiers of yellow flowers hang like golden rays from the branches on which they grow; it truly is a sight to behold (the photo does not do it justice).

My other golden wonder today is Aeonium (yes this guy again and said ee-own-ee-um) subulatum. A succulent that thrives with the rather unique climatic environment that we have up here. It does not mind the chills of the north-easter, the drought found under pines (although ours do get dripped on in the fog), the heat we occasionally experience and the snow we definitely do experience. It is bold, brash, hardy and shines forth at this time of year.

Look for the glow around you and keep a wary eye out for the ‘plant-stalkers’; the latter we want to nab and the former we need to just enjoy as they give to us a spot of ‘sunshine’ at ground level.
The lone bromeliad now with its new mates in the bottom foyer – keep an eye out for ‘her’ lost companion.

Ahh the laburnum arch, not in its best light I know, so go experience the glow yourself!

Aeonium undulatum in flower, the tourists love it, are astounded at its size and are generally jealous. Go enjoy the glow of the flowers and take in the view of the harbour at the same time; we oft forget to do the latter.

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